Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Tuesday Haven

I love Tuesdays and always have done. I'm not sure why, but I think it's because it used to be the only weeknight as a child when I didn't have something on - it was like a haven in the week. Monday orchestra, Tuesday free, Wednesday Guides, Thursday piano lesson (admittedly only half an hour out of the evening) and Friday gymnastics. It was busy but I loved it and loved Tuesdays - I'm sure the fact that it was also Quantum Leap night helped!

I still love Tuesdays - and they're still a bit of a haven. Mondays are always a bit mad, getting back into routine after the weekend, and I have orchestra in the evening so it's pretty much home from work, have tea, put boys to bed, go out. And we have friends over for games on Wednesday so Tuesday is my break - usually Holby City and ironing. And of course as I only work 3 days a week at the moment, Tuesday is also my 'hump' day. That might help a little!

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