Friday, April 25, 2008

Sleepless nights

Had a fairly sleepless night last night, but no, it was not due to Z! We went to bed about 10ish - Z was zonked out and had been from about 8, so I though I'd at least get a good hour, hour and a half before he woke again...but it was not to be. A heady combination of a slight tummy ache (which I attribute to the beef fajita sausages we had for dinner - they repeated on me to such an extent that when L returned to the room he noticed it smelt of sausages!), a conversation I needed to have with work today and all the house stuff going round in my mind meant I was still awake when Z woke for feeding at half midnight and even then I couldn't get to sleep! Bah.

But still, took some good photos of Z smiling yesterday evening - he's such a cutey. Sadly the fingernails are growing at a pace now and his face is bearing some of the battle scars - we have resorted to scratch mits. They make him look like a mime artist!



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